Sometimes one person’s easy guitar chords are not so easy when you are a beginning guitar student. That’s why we include simple guitar chords with eMedia’s beginner guitar lesson software. The simple guitar chord voicings use fewer strings so they don’t require as much effort. This is perfect for the small hands of young kids, or those who might have a hand or finger condition (such as arthritis, broken fingers, etc.).
First Guitar Chords
The guitar chords below are called simple guitar chords. They are perfect for beginner guitar lessons, as most of them only require a single finger and three strings to play. They are the most basic, easy guitar chords for beginners and work well for children with small hands, or others who might have problems playing full chords. Try playing them and remember to play all the notes in the chords.

Here are some videos to help you learn some of these beginning guitar chords and beginner guitar songs that use them.
How to Play a Simple G Chord
[Excerpt from eMedia Guitar Method]
Beginner Guitar Song #1: Play Brother John/Frere Jacques
Now use your simple G chord to play this classic folk song. Each slash (/) indicates a downward strum on the beat. If possible, play to a metronome click so that you can to stay on the beat.
How to Play Simple C and G7 Chords
[Excerpt from eMedia Guitar Method]
Once you master this beginner guitar lesson on chords, then make sure you know how to read guitar charts and go on to this free guitar lesson that teaches you more easy guitar chords. It also uses easy guitar chord charts and videos to help you learn even more chords easier.
Beginner Guitar Song #2: Play Skip to My Lou
Here is another song to try with the simple guitar chords you have learned.
More Easy Beginner Guitar Songs
Once you have mastered the simple guitar chords, you can play several easy guitar songs. Here is a carefully selected group of 10 easy guitar songs for beginners!